Day 31 – 17/10/18 – Honesty

When I started this blog I promised myself that I was always going to be 100% honest, and I have to say Im sorry…. but I havent been able to stick to that.

If you have been follwoing my blog since I strated you will have noticed that for the last few days I have been very quiet. This is because I have been thinking really hard about what to write, because recently I have been writing not about the person that I currently am (apart from my mental health day post), but I have been writing as if I am the person that I want to be. Last week a friend who has read my blog for the last 31 days said to me,

“I love your blog, but you need to learn how to take your own advice”

So starting today I promise that everything I post here is going to be honest. This includes my good days, and my bad. I promised that I wouldn’t drink for 100 days, and as I have already said, the first time I couldn’t stick to this, however I can honestly say, that since my second post on this top I have not had a drink :-), and I intend not to!

This is where this post gets a little bit deep, and I apologise in advance.

I am not ok…

For those of you who know me off-line, and even if you look at my instagram pages, facebook ect… I tend (like us all) to post only the positive stuff, because this is the image of myself which I want to present to the world, however under it all,

I am struggling, and thats ok. 

I am an emotional, mess of a human being, who has some stuff to  figure out, and work through, which is what I am currently doing. The stuff I am currently dealing with are things which I have experienced for years, however over the last several months, have became more prominent in my everyday life. I am currently working out strategies, and techniques which will help me on the bad days, and how I can start to have less of those days. As I have already said on this blog, I am going to start being honest, and If you  look back through the posts you will notice there are days missing, these are days which I refer to as;

Bad days.

These are days where I dont want to do anything, where the world feels like it is swallowing me up. Where I can only hear the negative things inside my head, rather than remembering all the good things about me. The days where no matter how hard I try I cannot focus on anything, the days where I just want to run away.

My aim with this blog is to have something every day which will allow me, to have something to focus on so I have less, and less bad days.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me, I love you all.


E xx

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